Thursday, December 13, 2007

COLORQUIZ !!!!!!! woOoW !!!!

ColorQuiz.comcool-dhabianiah took the free personality test!

"Seeks success, stimulation, and a life full of exp..."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mobile RaNdOMz

Random shots were taken by my SONY Ericsson mobile.. some of them are very old =) but finally I decided to post them *_* especially when my colleague who has the same mobile told me that she lost her phone at her friends party.. And to be frank with you I freaked out "I have like hundreds of pictures on that phone and I couldn't imagine myself losin it!!!!" so I Finally decided to download all the pix on my PC ...

I chose those shots to share with you ..

ga7Oo6 n P!nK

life is P!nK

هنوووووووودي فديتج
الله يحفظها قولوا آمين

More and More shoooooooopping ;)

with my very special friend >3

ro7_uae new style =)

I hate this class.. everyone were sleeping !!

...and forever and ever FRIENDS

Two hits in the head hurt for one week, but no
matter how bad they perform I will always be
"عينــــاوية حتى النخـــــاع"
Macro & Micro Pain in the ..... !

couldn't remember with whom I was having coffe dat day !!!

the Yummy part .. Having lunch with my best two friends

Mansour & Anas ur in my heart

chocolate fondant @ Armani Cafe.. DO NOT MISS IT

ice-creaming with my sisters

That’s all for now ... wish me luck with my exams and my new project...