Tuesday, July 8, 2008

No Fair ..

How can people be that mean to destroy someone’s life!! I still can’t imagine that there is that much of hate in someone’s heart… (قطع الاعناق ولا قطع الأرزاق)
Things are being so bad lately at work, lots of tension and I don’t feel the joy that we use to have at the beginning of the project anymore… I feel that everyone is working on the project coz they want to protect themselves from those backstabbers and from those who takes credit on someone else’s work!!!
Anyways, as I always says (and when I say something means 7kaaam LOOL ;) When something bad happens, means that there is something veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery good on the way …

Danny no one can fill ur place ever.. u r really missed :(

This what Talal & I used to do at the Operations Management course

( wayed mrakzeeen )

I didn’t go to work today coz am not feeling well and I’ve lost my voice, ya3nee ma fee singing for sometime … [Sam wither u like it or not I will sing all the time coz I have a lovely voice like el Sha7roorah ] Loooooooooooooooooolz…

Waiting for the Doctor

Still waiting ...............................1 hour!!! Can u believe it!!

I know that u were expecting more photos in my update, but the problem is am sick of my phone’s camera and still waiting for my new camera which took me forever to buy it =D… bas inshallah I will get it soon before I go on my summer vacation….

Unill that .. Cheers all and Big Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers Danny

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